Held annually every 30th of November is the National Computer Security Day. A celebration that began in 1988 at a time that computers were becoming commonplace. This Day was created to raise awareness about cyber security issues and ways to keep all electronic devices and data protected from potential threats.
Today, the internet and computers have connected all parts of the world together. National Computer Security Day empowers people to take ownership of their online presence and identity.
Here are ways to ensure that we can keep safe online as we celebrate National Computer Security Day.
- Removing unused programs.
- Securing wireless network.
- Regular backup of critical data.
- Keep up with the latest updates. It is important to keep your system’s software up to date. This help to protect against known bugs and vulnerabilities.
- Turn on Windows Firewall. Firewall is a powerful gatekeeper between the computer and the internet. It is advisable to turn on the firewall (Windows).
- Use strong passwords. It is advisable to have a min of 8-10 character combination of symbols, numbers, uppercase letters and lowercase letters as password.
- Don’t share passwords and don’t write them down. Change password regularly, and if possible use different password for different account.
- Enable two-factor/multi-factor authentication. Having a strong password is sometimes not enough. Enabling two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to keep your data safe.
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