Maltego CaseFile is employed for offline intelligence problem-solving. It had been born as a result of Maltego users using the tool to do offline intelligence investigations. These users are not using the Transforms available in Maltego.
CaseFile is a visual intelligence application that can be used to determine the relationships and real-world links between hundreds of different types of information. It is also used to plot relationships between pieces of information, making it possible to see hidden connections even if they are multiple degrees of separation apart.
CaseFile can be used for information gathering, analytics and investigation, and any data-driven work.
CaseFile aids you in your thinking process by visually demonstrating interconnected links between your information.
CaseFile can visualize datasets stored in CSV, XLS, and XLSX formats as well as export graphs to these formats.
This is an example of Maltego CaseFile of the bombing that took place in Paris in November 2015.

There is a short course for using Maltego’s free CaseFile tool to analyze information and evidence for the investigation, intelligence, or research purposes on the cyber institute as well as other short courses on OSINT.